i gussies 0 Americans know what abuse is or how it works
so stand up for my self 
some how = i am the bad guy 
and also she clams i did harassment her but where exactly is the evidence for it
i only ask if she is a SJW or not the definition of harassment is sure that she didn't harassment me when she was the one who started it and this is what she calls harassment is 
jhe newgrowds really is taking over by SJW 
lets make newgrounds the new tumblr
be HOLD I AM BANNED FROM TUMBLR 2.0 over me trying to standing up for my self 
i am acting like a jerk aw boy says the jers who hate me for freaking no reasons makes perfect scene 
so newgrods nice free speech you have there not only i you ignoring evidence but you also ignore facts
so when am getting attack GOOD when i triggered some one over nothing BAD and spicily when i was trying to reason whit them BAD
how dear i standing up for my self no free speech allowed we a gonna dehumanize you because you a not from USA 
must love the SJW and there degenerate pc police lowing people over stuff they love to play the judge on it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_7jLI1qO4Q watch this video grow up and shout the fuck up he made a 3 part watch them scene you degenerates lag every education in history yet you love to play the low over little things that no body cares about
you hypocritical degenerates leave me alone dont like what you see then fuck off
you ass holes attack me scene 2015 and you never show any form of constrictive critic only calling me names and relay on accusation whit no proof on dont like my work then fuck off go get copyright stick on youtube for drawing your bootleg sonic porn for the kids but leave me the fuck alone